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Fast, Accurate & Detailed

Check-plagiarism apis are very fast and accurate to check duplicated content. On successful request you will receive a detailed JSON response about sentences and urls that matched with your text.

100% Safe & Secure

Any request you sent on our API server is 100% secure, also any text used to check for plagiarism via apis is not stored anywhere in our database. You can use our system without any risk of steeling of your content.

Easy to Integrate & Understand

Integration of APIs is very easy. No need to install any external extension; all you have to send request on the API urls and you will receive response within seconds. JSON response will help you to understand results very easily and you can integrate it on any platform.

Our online plagiarism checker APIs help integrate Anti-plagiarism tool into any kind of CMS. If you are running a company you do not need to login on other websites to check plagiarism every time. APIs are highly usable for collages and universities where students and teachers check plagiarism on daily basis.

Check-plagiarism's APIs system is secured to prevent your data. So do not have to worry about the security of your content. Detecting plagiarism through APIs is very fast, and you will receive results within seconds. A detailed response will be sent if our system received any request via APIs.

APIs are available for all register users; if you are not a member please create your account now. Integration of APIs is very easy; you can find all details for integration on the API documentation page.

If you have any questions about Check-Plagiarism APIs integration, please feel free to contact us.

Create Account API Documentation

Why use our APIs
Quick, Acurate and Detailed Response Sentence wise and Article wise Checking
Easy to Integrate 100% Safe & Secure
Check Plagiarism Via .Doc / .txt / .DOCX files Use Same API on Multiple platforms (wordpress, widget, andriod)
Files not saved by our server 24/7 Support
Pricing & Plans
Basic Company Business Basic Yearly Plan Company / Webmasters Business / Colleges / Universities
No. of Queries / Requests 100003500050000 60000450000600000
Duration 30 Days30 Days30 Days One YearOne YearOne Year
Multiple Platform support
Wp plugin supported
24/7 Support ---- --
Price $10$15$50 $50$135$250
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